Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Year New Life!

Dont Worry She's Back... ;D


AWWW.its a beautiful DAY! In sunny CA on the beach in SanDiego. I was so happy not a worry in the world....One thing I did notice is #1 Where are the BIGGER people or FAT people in CA? ummm.. everyone is trying to look great & exersice...everyone on the west coast.. HUMM. not in the SOUTHERN country part of ARKANSAS. lets FRY this.. add to bacon to it.. oh yea.. add a little sugar to it wont hurt.. thats how I was raised........

THEN I got hope uploaded the pics I noticed.. MY ARMS.HUH? my legs..Yuck and knew I had to change ;) my weight the highest ever.

Ive been so busy with the dietetic internship I've completely forgot about my blog ;(. Dont worry Im back. So I have started Weight Watchers again!( bootleg Im just reusing my books and not attending meetings) I started it back in like April when I found out I was accepted into the internship and did it HARD core for 4 weeks and lost about 9-10 pds . However, I quit because i worked a crazy job and worked crazy hours(thanks Enterprise) so I quit. Okay so I started Last Monday and I was doing Great!

I started making good smart challenges to eat better before weight watchers at the end of Oct &Nov. and was down 7 pds. However, Like I said I was doing Weight watchers started on Dec 6-10. did great! however!.. SAT & SUN ! blew it! and now its Dec 15th and Ive gained so much weight!! However, TOMORROW Im doing this right!! Tonight my WONDERFUL  roommate motivated me into working out and we were something like BEASTS in the gym!...hehe!

I'm proud of myself because I really have beeen living a more healthy lifestyle. My goal is in April to run 3.2 miles in the Litte Rock Marathon!. So I started Walking, the jogging and now Im up to Running a Mile with out stopping!! OKAY THAT IS A MILE STONE PEOPLE! Today in the gym I did the elliptical trainer burned 250 Kcals in 25 mins (1.53miles), Weight Trained, sit-ups, Squats (3X10), Lunges with leg raise,(3X10), then did crazy interval run/jog thing on treadmill burning 115 Kcals .81 miles for a extra 10 mins.!! I killed it! My plan is to DO something until I go home on DEC 22 or DEC23! Hope to be down back to the weight I was last Sat before the horrible week. Ok well I have so much to talk about!

I will start back bloging about my weight loss, Healthy foods, Vitamins, execerise Tips, Grocery Hauls, and soo much more! I have so MANY new nutriton obsession!

I guess Muscle weighs more than fat..
Lets Get it!... I guess Muscle weighs more than fat..Whatever!..

Hope to be back down to that weight by Dec 23. Then back on track losing 2# a week!

oh my goals= by Dec 31 maintain my weight
by the end of Jan 2011 be down in weight and, able to run 1 mile 1/2 with out stoping.

Peace & Health ;-)

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