Friday, December 17, 2010

President Obama signed child nutrition bill into law!!

On MondayDecember 13th, two days before my food stamps rolled over... President Obama signed the child nutrition bill into law.  We agreed to focus in the region on issues of childhood obesity and nutrition. What does this mean for the nutrition professionals?  Okay this is my PERSONAL view......

I think the bill is great and I understand what Obama is doing but what I couldnt understand is WHY couldnt he  cut Something eles. I belive that cutting food stamps is only shifting one problem to another.

I'm not too sure about this one I have to object this bill because it is funded in part by stripping $2.2 billion from the federal food stamp program. Congress also voted over the summer to take money from the program to fund legislation sending money to cash-strapped states to avoid teacher layoffs.

Okay, I have to think about this one..Just wanted to share this with you all...

Why FOOD STAMPS?? I ask Why??!

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This little Card.. Is so much more than "free Money" for so many who NEED this card. Like Me! EBT  has truly been a blessing. It helps so many people, It helps you eat healthy, fresh, fruits and HAVE food to eat. I'm even eating Organic, Whole foods..... so I am talking from experence.. I just want to see how the 2.2 Billion dollar cut will happen?

Comment..Tell me what you think......?

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